It’s never been easier to make an online booking for our services by using our booking system below.

Online Bookings made easy with Cliniko
When redeeming Gift Vouchers please enter your unique five-character voucher code in to the comments box when booking, to help us to locate your voucher in advance.
For Block Bookings, please select any appointment for that duration that you have purchased, and the discount will automatically be applied when you attend.
Cancellation policy
We politely ask that you give as much notice of cancellation as possible, so we can have a chance to refill your slot.
We send a courtesy email reminder the day before your appointment, but we understand sometimes things can change for you, so we simply ask that you notify us of your cancellation with at least 4 hours notice.
Appointment cancellations within 4 hours of the start time, and missed appointments are subject to a cancellation fee amounting to the cost of the treatment booked.
Thank you for your understanding.
For any queries or extra information on anything please contact: