Maintenance Massage Appointment
A maintenance massage is great for maintaining your well-being.
Maintenance Massage Appointment
(45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes)
Maintaining your well-being – Just like taking your car in for a service before it breaks, this type of massage is a regular form of body treatment that looks to address any underlying areas of muscle tightness… before it breaks!
45 minute appointment is great when focusing on just one or two areas of the body.
60 minute appointment is great when spending time treating multiple areas.
90 minute appointment is great for a full body treatment.
Can include the following:
An initial chat about any newly developed aches or pains since your last appointment
Massage treatment
Trigger Point Therapy
Advice on stretches
Postural corrections
Exercise/movement modifications to relieve any newly developed pain
Treatment plan including recommendations for self-care & maintenance
Recommendations for massage frequency tailored to your individual needs