Sports & Remedial Massage Appointment

Sports Massage is not just for sporty people, as many office workers benefit greatly from this type of massage appointment too.

Back massage

Sports & Remedial Massage Appointment

(45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes)


A firm-pressure, area-specific massage focused primarily on your pain or discomfort, and then tracing this back to the root cause of the problem. Sports & Remedial Massage can be highly efficient for injury prevention as well as tissue recovery after a sporting event – although it’s not just for sports people, as many office workers benefit greatly from this type of massage appointment.

45 minute appointment is great when focusing on just one or two areas of the body.

60 minute appointment is great when spending time treating multiple areas.

90 minute appointment is great for a full body treatment.

Can include the following:

An initial chat about the progress since your last appointment and how your body now feels

Focused massage treatment

MET stretches during treatment

Trigger Point Therapy

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy (IASTM)

Advice on stretches

Postural corrections

Exercise/movement modifications to relieve pain

Treatment plan including recommendations for self-care

Recommendations for what massage suits you & the frequency, tailored to your individual needs