by Jack Stevenson | Jul 30, 2018
The pain at the back of your heel could be Achilles Tendinitis – but what is that and how do you get rid of it?! Achilles Tendinitis effectively means Achilles tendon inflammation (swelling), and this is often due to repeated stress – hence it being a common problem...
by Jack Stevenson | Jul 16, 2018
If something makes you yell “OUCH” then that’s a fair indicator of pain, right? But how can you tell if something is a “good pain”, “bad pain” or just plain old “ugly pain”? How do you know when to just grit your teeth and get on with it, and when to stop and book an...
by Jack Stevenson | Jul 9, 2018
With the Tour De France’s rising popularity, many inspired spectators decide to dust off their bike and take to the saddle. More and more cyclists today have started to incorporate regular Sports Massage in to their cycling regimes, and not just at the elite...
by Jack Stevenson | Jul 2, 2018
“Woohoo it’s summer!! Get the shorts out, slap the sun cream on, get the flip-flops out and…” STOP! Unless you’re going to be spending the day on the beach, by the pool or even lounging about in your garden, then flip-flops are not the best choice of footwear for you,...