by Jack Stevenson | Aug 27, 2018
Being hypermobile, or as it’s sometimes referred to as being “double-jointed”, has it’s pros as well as it’s cons. The pros? You get to impress your mates with party tricks such as bending your fingers to touch your forearms. The cons? It can leave you more vulnerable...
by Jack Stevenson | Aug 20, 2018
What happens with cramp? When the muscle suffers cramp it goes into spasm. The spasm squeezes the blood out of the muscle like a sponge, preventing the muscle from getting its nutrients. In addition, if the spasm is severe then there may be damage to the muscle, such...
by Jack Stevenson | Aug 14, 2018
The Iliotibial band, or as it’s more commonly referred to as – The IT Band. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the dos & don’ts with treating the IT band, but my biggest bug-bear with clients *coughs* runners *coughs* is when they’re insistent on foam...
by Jack Stevenson | Aug 6, 2018
I’m sure that it’s something every runner has experienced at some point in their running lives before – the painful, sharp, stabbing sensation that are side stitches! How can we avoid experiencing this? Here’s 5 of my top tips to stop getting side stitches when...